A lot of customers told us they’d love it if we offered additional info on how to get the most out of Method CRM, including more Video Tutorials! So we listened and I’m here!
My name is Errol. Maybe you’ve heard my voice already if you’ve called in to Method or caught a few of our newest videos in the Help Center. If not, then welcome to my post!
I was brought on to Method to create easy-to-understand video tutorials. And I totally love my job. First, not only do I get to learn and talk all day, but I get to be 'me'! (That may be frightening for some of you and my coworkers, till you get to know me, that is.)
I'm the one in black that didn’t get his own pizza.
I hope you’ll watch the videos (or 'screencasts'). We’ll be producing them on a on a regular basis and want to hear from you and know what you think! Why? Because the videos are for you and designed to be helpful and show you how easy it is to customize our platform for your needs.
And if you haven't seen one yet, here's a short example that will be going in our documentation (Yes! We are going to have documentation too!)
Click the picture and the magic of the internet will take you to our Help Center!.
There are many more videos in the Help Center and we will keep adding new ones as they’re produced. For now, the first seven articles under "Setup" each has a video! I even added some handy-dandy links at the top of each article so you won't miss the video.
See that link? I put it in because I care.
So by all means, check them out and please send us your suggestions. And if you have any ideas for a video or questions you want answered, please let us know. You can comment on the blog! Comment on the video! Tweet us @methodcrm!
We really want to hear from you so we can create the kind of content you’re looking for. And if we don’t hear back... Well, let’s just say I’ll have to start doing videos chronicling my lunch hours. No one wants that.
Take care and have a great day!