Method Community



Method Coach Steps - Now with Videos

Now you know all my recording secrets...

Allo! Errol here again with my second blog post to let you know how you can Do More with Method CRM! I am excited because I get to blog on a monthly basis, and if you can tell from my videos, if there’s anything I like to do, it’s talk. Thing is, it’s almost strange for me to write a blog post knowing that I have my microphone just behind me and I could just give you a vlog instead.

However, then it would be quite difficult for my editors to edit me, and trust me, I need to be edited. I tend to wander in my thoughts.

This month, I’m going to focus on the videos that are currently posted in the Help Center under the Setup section. Do you remember getting Coach Steps emailed to you when you first signed up for Method? All of those Coach Steps are found there under Setup:

And now each of those Coach Steps has a tutorial video attached with it. So if you have skipped your Coach Steps, or didn’t get them at all, here is your chance to set up your Method site!

If you would rather see all of the videos in a handy YouTube Playist, we are here for you.

In the future, we have many more tutorials lined up for you. My counterpart, Alex Krueger, who is the Technical Writer in charge of all things documentation, has been quite busy getting the written portion of the topics I video all organized.

In fact, he also edits all of the captioning that happens in the video just to make sure we get the correct spelling of “Ta-Dah!”

Once we are done, we do plan on releasing a new set of videos and documentation in a few weeks, so stay tuned!

If you have any questions, or suggestions for a video topic, by all means, please leave a comment below. You can even tweet me if you wish, @Method_Errol. I’m lonely on that account so a “Hi” would be nice.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day!


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About Method_Errol

Errol Elumir is the Product Education Specialist for Method CRM. He will do his best to provide clear and concise screencasts to help you understand Method. When not recording his voice for Method, he critiques Escape Rooms.