Every so often I get a call from a Method user who wants to restrict what screens a user sees. The best way to accomplish this is to use Tab Groups specifically to define what screens individual users can access. I have seen companies take advantage of tab groups to keep tabs, permissions, and screens organized.
Today, we’re going to go through how to manage your tab groups by showing how to create a tab group, create tabs for your new tab group, and how to manage users’ access to tab groups.
Step 1: Create a Tab Group
Go to your Customize tab and click on the Tab Groups tab link. Follow the steps for creating a new tab group. Enter a Tab Group name and click ‘Continue…’. (You already have CRM, QuickBooks and Mobile Users as Tab Groups). In the list, choose which Users you want to access your new tab group. Next, choose the tabs you want to see. If you have not created tabs for the tab group yet, select any tab as a placeholder tab for now.
“Allowed to Integrate Accounting” and “Allowed to Design Reports” needs an explanation. If Integrate Accounting is checked, any person assigned to the specific tab group can use their credentials to connect the Method Integration Engine. It is similar with Design Reports. If checked, anyone assigned to the tab group can connect the report designer to the Method account.
Click Add Tab Group. For those users you selected, you should be able to see the New Tab Group in the top right.
Step 2: Create a Tab
Go to the Customize tab and the Tabs tab link. From here, follow the instructions to create a new tab. Enter a tab group name and click ‘Continue…’. A list of Tab Groups will appear, allowing you to select where the new tab is to appear. (If you skipped the step above and don’t have the Tab Group created, then keep all the boxes unchecked.) Once done, click ‘Add Tab’.
A pop-up will now appear asking you to create Tab Links (eg. My Account, Display, Screens, etc.) and assign screens to the tab. Here you can assign both default and custom screens. To create a tab link, select a screen from the dropdown to use in your tab. Next, enter a tab name. Once done, click Add Tab Link. The new tab link should appear on the list
Once you have completed adding all tab links to the tab, click Finished Editing Tab Links.
Step 3: Manage your Tab Groups
To manage what Tab Groups a user can access, go to Customize -> Users and click Edit… for the user. Navigate to Step 4 of 10: Access to Tab Groups. Check off any tab groups you would like the user to see. Also, set the Tab Group the user sees when they first login to your newly created one.
With these steps, you will be able to create tab groups that are designed specifically for a group of users. It will allow you to exercise unprecedented control over how your users see and use Method!