We have some fantastic updates that we've added to Method Expensee Reports. Check them out below.
- Updated: Category Types Screen – spell check button has now been updated to indicate that comments are being spell checked.
- New: Category Types Screen – now includes YouTube video.
- New: Payment Types Screen – now includes YouTube video.
- New: Memo field now includes Vendor and Comments – expense reports sent to QuickBooks now include the vendor and comments from a expense in the “memo” field. This applies to all transactions including QuickBooks bills, QuickBooks checks, QuickBooks credit cards charges and QuickBooks journal entries.
- Updated: User Settings Screen – now has built-in filters for active/inactive and all users. It also now displays 10 rows of users by default.
- Updated: Printable Expense Report – now sorts by date vs. expense number.
- New: Taxes on Expense Report – reports now have the ability to display the total amount of taxes for expenses that have taxes entered. This preference will need to be turned on under Process Expenses > Preferences > Allow users to enter taxes for expense?
- New: Default date period for new reports – new expense reports that are created now default the start and end date to the current month vs. being blank initially.
- Updated: Expenses Dashboard – now includes a pie and bar graph displaying information on expense report status and category types.
- New: Process Expenses Dashboard – helps administrators by displaying the total amount of each users expense reports, grouped by status.
Enjoy and keep the feedback coming!