July 2011 - Posts
Search Customer List and Search Contacts List
- When clearing the filters on the screen by clicking “Clear”, Method will now take the cursor to the Full Name box automatically (QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online)
- Updated so that hitting the “Enter” key triggers the actions located in the “Search” button.(QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online)
Mobile Estimate, Invoice, Customers and Activity
- Updated all mobile screen to use Shared Lists. (QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online)
QuickBooks Sales Order
- A conditional warning was being given when clicking any “Save” button regarding the “Customer:Job” being required even though this was filled in already. This has been fixed. (QuickBooks Desktop)
- A conditional warning was being given when clicking any “Save” button regarding the “Date” being required even though this was filled in already. This has been fixed. (QuickBooks Desktop)
QuickBooks Invoice
- The filter view for “Shared Invoices Not assigned an Opportunity” did not have the filter applied properly for Opportunity = empty. This has now been fixed. (QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online)
New Activity
- “Related To” fields located at the bottom right corner of the Activity screen are now “read only” since you are already able to relate using the panel on the left side of the screen. We’ve also added the option to clear the related Activity/Case/Opportunity number using the (...) next to the dropdown list. (QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online)
- Help notes were added to the Activity #, Opportunity # and Case # dropdown lists. (QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online)
New Opportunity
- When creating a new lead or a new customer from the New Opportunity screen, after clicking “Save” the radio button selection was not automatically switching to “Existing Customer” after saving.
New Case
- When creating a new lead/customer/vendor and clicking “Save”, a conditional warning was appearing regarding the email address not being entered. This has now been removed.
New Activity
- Related Activity number is now read only. Since you are able to relate an Activity easily using the left panel, there was no need to have this as a dropdown where you could also select the Activity number. It made it confusing since there was no way to easily distinguish between the different activities.
Leads and Contacts List & Customers and Contacts List
- Added search capability by placing a new icon in the top right corner of screen. When a contact is selected from the search screen, depending on if the contact is a ‘lead’ or a ‘customer’, Method will automatically take you to the Leads or Customers tab and open the Edit Customer or Edit Lead tab link with the customers name.
- If in the search screen a New Lead or New Customer is added, after clicking “Save & Close”, Method will automatically take you to the Leads or Customers tab and open the Edit Customer or Edit Lead tab link with the customers name.
Search Customer List and Search Contacts List
- Added additional search fields for Company Name, Bill Address 1/2/3, Bill City, Bill Zip/Postal, Ship Address 1/2/3, Ship City, Ship Zip/Postal and Account #.
- When loading the Customer List/Contact List Search screen, the filter view named “Shared Active Leads, Customers and Contacts” will always reset back to this filter. Previously, if the filter view was changed on the grid to another view, the next time the screen was loaded the last filter view used would be loaded initially instead of the default view.