November 2011 - Posts
The following indicates which accounting application(s) the release note(s) apply to.
- QBD = QuickBooks Desktop
- QBO = QuickBooks Online
Customers and Contacts List
- Improved - relabelled the column “Contact Name / Customer Name / Company Name” to “Contact / Customer / Company”.
Leads and Contacts List
- Improved - relabelled the column “Contact Name / Lead Name / Company Name” to “Contact / Lead / Company”.
The following indicates which accounting application(s) the release note(s) apply to.
- QBD = QuickBooks Desktop
- QBO = QuickBooks Online
Activities List
- Improved - the “Customer / Vendor” and “Contact Name / Phone / Email” columns have been combined into one column. Now we display “Contact / Name / Company”. This keeps in line with the changes we recently made to the Opportunities and Cases List. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - the filter views containing “Active Activities on or before today” now filter using the ActivityStatusType = Pending. (QBD & QBO)
- Fix - when clicking an Opportunity number in the grid, the pop-up window title has been changed to “Edit Opportunity” instead of “View Opportunity”. (QBD & QBO)
The following indicates which accounting application(s) the release note(s) apply to.
- QBD = QuickBooks Desktop
- QBO = QuickBooks Online
Edit Case
- New - we now display the Activity Status field. Previously, all activities that were done through the edit case screen were marked as complete since they were being added to the case dialog. Now if the associated activity status category is completed, we will append the activity to the case dialog. However, if the activity status category is pending or cancelled, we’ll automatically check the “Internal?” checkbox. The reason we do this is because we don’t want activities that aren’t completed to appear in the dialog that portal users will see. (QBD & QBO)
- New - added a help note to the bottom of the grid with instructions on how to add or edit an activity. (QBD & QBO)
- New - when loading a Case, the screen will now change the tab link name to include the case number and the subject. (QBD & QBO) For example - Edit Case # 809 -- Help with installing QuickBooks
- New - clicking under More actions... > Choose Email Template... allows you to select a default email template for the screen. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - updated column headings for the Existing Activities for this Case grid to match recent changes we’ve made to the Edit Opportunity screen. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - we’re relabelled the “Customer / Vendor Info” title under the Contact Information section to be “Lead / Customer / Vendor / Employee Info”. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - we’ve moved the checkbox for “Email Case notification to user when saving?” to the top section of the screen. This was it is consistent with other screens such as the Edit Opportunity screen. (QBD & QBO)
The following indicates which accounting application(s) the release note(s) apply to.
- QBD = QuickBooks Desktop
- QBO = QuickBooks Online
Case List
- Improved - the “Details” column has now been relabelled to “Assigned To / Origin / Status”. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - the “Customer / Vendor” and “Contact Name / Phone / Email” columns have been combined into one column. Now we display “Contact / Name / Company”. This keeps in line with the changes we recently made to the Opportunities List. (QBD & QBO)
New Case
- New - for the Activity Status dropdown we now look to see if the associated activity status category is completed. If it is we will append the activity to the case dialog. However, if the activity status category is pending or cancelled, we’ll automatically check the “Internal?” checkbox. The reason we do this is because we don’t want activities that aren’t completed to appear in the dialog that portal users will see. (QBD & QBO)
- New - clicking under More actions... > Choose Email Template... allows you to select a default email template for the screen. (QBD & QBO)
In the next couple days we’ll also be pushing out an update to the Edit Case screen to reflect similar changes to the New Case screen. Cheers,Danny 
Enhancements to QuickBooks Online syncing
- Sales Receipts - now sync bi-directionally with QuickBooks Online.
- Deletion detection from QuickBooks Online. We now look for any deletions you made in QuickBooks since your last sync. For transactions (like invoices, estimates, sales receipts, etc.), we archive them in Method and make them invisible forever. For lists (like customers, vendors, items, employees, accounts, etc.) we make them inactive in Method (by setting IsActive to False). If you later restore them in QuickBooks Online, we'll make them active in Method (by setting IsActive to True), retaining any custom data you had previously added in Method. There is currently no way to restore an inactive record via Method, this must be done via QuickBooks Online.
The following indicates which accounting application(s) the release note(s) apply to.
- QBD = QuickBooks Desktop
- QBO = QuickBooks Online
Contacts Portal - New Case
- Improved - the email being sent to the contact now uses the email template called CRM_CaseUpdateForCustomer. This has updated html formatting for the body of the email.
- Improved - the email being sent to the portal administrator now uses the email template called CRM_CaseAssignedToUser. This has updated html formatting for the body of the email.
Contacts Portal - Cases
- Improved - the email being sent to the contact now uses the email template called CRM_CaseUpdateForCustomer.
- Improved - the email being sent to the portal administrator now uses the email template called CRM_CaseAssignedToUser.
Have a great weekend!Danny
The following indicates which accounting application(s) the release note(s) apply to.
- QBD = QuickBooks Desktop
- QBO = QuickBooks Online
Method Sync Engine for QuickBooks Desktop
- Improved - if an entity (customer, vendor, employee) is created in QuickBooks but the contact name is left blank, one of two things will happen.
- if the first and last name are entered but the contact name is empty, we will combined the first and last name into the contact name field.
- if the first and last name are both empty and the contact name is empty, we will update the contact name to be the name of the entity.
Since Method CRM uses contacts heavily, it becomes that much more important that the contact name is filled in. One thing to note is that although we fill in the contact name for you in Method, you will not see the contact field updated in QuickBooks until the next time you save that entities information. This will only affect new entries made in QuickBooks.Shout out to April Hooper for some great feedback on this.Danny 
The following indicates which accounting application(s) the release note(s) apply to.
- QBD = QuickBooks Desktop
- QBO = QuickBooks Online
Opportunities List
- New - linked field added to the opportunity table which grabs the company name for the lead/customer. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - the column “Assigned To / Name / Stage” has been changed to “Assigned To / Opp. Name / Stage”. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - the column “Contact Name / Phone / Email” has been changed to “Contact / Name / Company”. This change was based on some user and internal feedback that it would be more useful to display the fields below instead of the contact information entered that is related to the opportunity. (QBD & QBO)
- Contact - is the contact associated with the opportunity.
- Name - is the name of the lead/customer linked to the contact.
- Company - that one is pretty self explanatory.
Over the coming weeks we’ll be making similar changes to the other list screens. Thanks for the feedback!Danny 
The following indicates which accounting application(s) the release note(s) apply to.
- QBD = QuickBooks Desktop
- QBO = QuickBooks Online
New Opportunity
- New - now when you assign an opportunity, activity or follow-up activity to a user other than the logged in user, an email is sent to that user notifying them. 3 new checkboxes have be added to the screen which trigger this email being sent upon saving. (QBD & QBO) They are:
- Email Opportunity notification to user when saving?
- Email Activity notification to user when saving?
- Email Follow-up notification to user when saving?
- New - now you can add a new contact for the lead/customer associated with the case by clicking the dropdown list for “Activity Contact” or “Follow-up Contact” and selecting < Add New >. We also now verify that a main contact for the opportunity is selected in the “Contact” dropdown list before attempting to add a new contact. (QBD & QBO)
- New - the “Activity Contact” and “Follow-up Contact” dropdown lists have been updated to only show contacts that belong to the lead/customer associated with the opportunity. This makes it much easier to locate a specific contact at the company when adding an activity from this screen. (QBD & QBO)
- New - when saving an opportunity we now check to see if the opportunity stage category assigned is “closed won” and if the opportunity is associated with a lead. If they are a lead, a prompt will appear asking if you’d like to switch the lead into a customer. If “OK” is clicked, the lead will automatically be turned into a customer. (QBD & QBO)
- New - under More action... > Choose Email Template... allows you to select a default email template for the screen. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - Removed the caption on the radio box for “Customer”. It wasn’t needed and was confusing. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - Relabeled the radio option for “Existing Customer” to “Existing Lead / Customer”. Having this labelled with just “Existing Customer” is misleading since an opportunity can be added for a lead and a customer when this option is selected. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - Relabeled the label for “Existing Customer” to “Existing Lead / Customer” in the contacts section. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - when saving, verification of required fields for the follow-up activity are now done before saving the activity or the follow-up activity. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - if a new activity or follow-up is being added to the opportunity and the “Save” button is clicked, we now un-check the “New Activity?” and “Schedule a Follow-Up?” checkbox. This prevents the accidental addition of extra activities. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - updated the “Schedule a Follow Up?” checkbox to “Schedule a Follow-up?”. This keeps it consistent with other screens. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - help note has now been added to the “Schedule a Follow-up?” checkbox. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - help note has been updated for “New Activity?” to be more descriptive. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - made the “Contact” field a required field. This prevents the chance that a blank contact entry will be created. (QBD)
- Improved - made the “First Name” field a required field. This prevents the chance that a blank contact entry will be created. (QBO)
- Improved - after a new lead or customer is created, the address fields will now automatically reset. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - now when a different contact is selected from the “Contact” dropdown list, the “Activity Contact” and “Follow-up Contact” dropdowns get pre-filled automatically with the name in the “Contact” dropdown. The name, phone number and email also get pre-filled. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - the Activity Contact and Follow-up Contact fields only appear if the “Existing Lead/Customer” radio option is selected. The reason we’ve done this is to avoid confusion with these fields appearing blank before the entity is actually saved. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - the “Activity Contact” and “Follow-up Contact” dropdown lists now display the contacts phone number for the second column and email address for the thrid column. Since we already know the company and entity type, its more useful to have these fields displayed here as additional columns. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - relabeled “Customer Info” to “Lead / Customer Info” under the Contact Info Details section. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - now added the ability to < Add New > and ( … ) for Activity Status/Type/Priority and Follow-up Status/Type/Priority. (QBD & QBO)
- Fixed - all images were updated to now use https vs. http. (QBO & QBD)
- Fixed - the last location of the screen was not being set when clicking Save & Edit. (QBD & QBO)
Edit Opportunity
- New - now when you assign an opportunity, activity or follow-up activity to a user other than the logged in user, an email is sent to that user notifying them. 3 new checkboxes have be added to the screen which trigger this email being sent upon saving. (QBD & QBO) They are:
- Email Opportunity notification to user when saving?
- Email Activity notification to user when saving?
- Email Follow-up notification to user when saving?
- New - you can now launch the edit contact screen from any of the tab sections by clicking More actions... > Edit Contact... Of course a contact would need to be selected from the Contact dropdown list at the top of the screen for this to work. (QBD & QBO)
- New - you can now launch the edit lead / customer screen from any of the tab sections by clicking More actions... > Edit Lead / Customer... (QBD & QBO)
- New - when saving an opportunity we now check to see if the opportunity stage category assigned is “closed won” and if the opportunity is associated with a lead. If they are a lead, a prompt will appear asking if you’d like to switch the lead into a customer. If “OK” is clicked, the lead will automatically be turned into a customer. (QBD & QBO)
- New - under More action... > Choose Email Template... allows you to select a default email template for the screen. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - relabeled “Customer Info” to “Lead / Customer Info” under the Contact Info Details section. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - the filter views under the “Existing Activities for this Opportunity” tab section now take advantage of the “ActivityStatusType” field. This way if down the road a user changes the name of the Activity Status, it will not affect the filters on the grid. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - the column headings have been updated to be more descriptive. We’ve also removed the column for “Customer/Vendor Name” since. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - when loading the screen, we now rename the tab link to “Edit” followed by the opportunity name. This way regardless of where you’re coming from in Method, the tab link will always be relabeled properly. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - updated the “Schedule a Follow Up?” checkbox to “Schedule a Follow-up?”. This keeps it consistent with other screens. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - move the help note to the bottom of the screen. This is typically where you’d first look for a “New Activity” button anyway. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - now added the ability to < Add New > and ( … ) for Activity Status/Type/Priority and Follow-up Status/Type/Priority. (QBD & QBO)
- Fixed - all images were updated to now use https vs. http. (QBO & QBD)
Preferences Reports
- New - you are now able to select a default email template for Opportunity Notification. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - improved the spacing of fields on screen. (QBD & QBO)
- Fix - tabbing between dropdown lists. (QBD & QBO)
Hope you enjoy these new releases and have a fantastic weekend,Danny 
The following indicates which accounting application(s) the release note(s) apply to.
- QBD = QuickBooks Desktop
- QBO = QuickBooks Online
Opportunities List
- New - added the “Description” field as a column in the grid. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - the label for “Details” has now been updated to “Assigned To / Name / Stage” and made a variable width. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - we’ve removed the “Customer” column since the “Contact Name / Phone / Email” already displays the same information. Also the name “Customer” is misleading since technically it can be a Customer or Lead. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - updated the “Go To” link to respect the changes that have been made to the Edit Opportunity screen. The Edit Opportunity screen will rename the tab link in the next update. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - made the “Campaign” column a hidden column. This can be displayed temporarily by clicking the gear in the bottom right corner of the grid. (QBD & QBO)
I’m pumped about the next release note coming out. Fingers crossed, you might see some changes by the end of the week.Happy Friday,Danny 
The following indicates which accounting application(s) the release note(s) apply to.
- QBD = QuickBooks Desktop
- QBO = QuickBooks Online
Email Templates
- Improved - the “Email Template List” grid section has been updated to say “Existing Email Templates” and now has a backdrop color for the section. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - in the top right corner, we now have the “Required Information” label. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - the created by and last modified by fields now display the date and time.
I’ve got some pretty extensive updates coming to the New Opportunity and Edit Opportunity screens. Stayed tuned!Danny