The following indicates which accounting application(s) the release note(s) apply to.
- QBD = QuickBooks Desktop
- QBO = QuickBooks Online
Opportunities List
- New - added the “Description” field as a column in the grid. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - the label for “Details” has now been updated to “Assigned To / Name / Stage” and made a variable width. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - we’ve removed the “Customer” column since the “Contact Name / Phone / Email” already displays the same information. Also the name “Customer” is misleading since technically it can be a Customer or Lead. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - updated the “Go To” link to respect the changes that have been made to the Edit Opportunity screen. The Edit Opportunity screen will rename the tab link in the next update. (QBD & QBO)
- Improved - made the “Campaign” column a hidden column. This can be displayed temporarily by clicking the gear in the bottom right corner of the grid. (QBD & QBO)
I’m pumped about the next release note coming out. Fingers crossed, you might see some changes by the end of the week.Happy Friday,Danny