The following updates are now live for users of Method.
New Features
- User experience improvements for Grids and Editable Grids providing clearer usability for the Select All checkbox (PL-17459)
- Improvements for the Calendar enabling runtime control for all day events to presented as long bars, or grouped at the top “all-day’ event area (PL-17663)
- Fixed an issue where invoices were not being marked as paid, though a payment was applied and balance = 0 (PL-16114)
- Fixed an issue with the Calendar where when clicking on a time slot did not start a new activity (PL-17697)
- Fixed an issue where tax is calculated on an item, pre-discount, but where the specific account wants to calculate tax after discount (PL-12746)
- Fixed an issue where creating an item in Method was not pushing to quickbooks (QuickBooks Online and Desktop) (PL-14637)
- Fixed an issue where removing a customer’s last name in Method was returning after a sync (PL-17277)
- Fixed an issue where modified customer information was not syncing quickly (PL-17326)
- Fixed an issue where sort order was not being preserved when creating new custom views (PL-17432)
- Fixed an issue where tags were being cleared after a merge (PL-17567)
- Fixed an issue with Editable grid where default values of 0.00 was not working (PL-17647)
- Fixed an issue for Entity.Title length for QuickBook Desktop was shorter in Method than in newer versions of Quickbooks (PL-17678)
- Fixed an issue with the image uploader where a validation error was missing when uploading unsupported file types and sizes larger than 5MB (PL-3884)
- Fixed spelling errors in the designer view of the Credit Card Procession action (PL-17508)
Best Regards,